Prawn sandwich Swedish style

Sometimes easy is good. Like this sandwich for example. It is important to choose nice bread, a good mayo (homemade or Hellman’s), nice Icelandic prawns, and to boil the eggs exactly the way you want them (I want mine with the yolk very yellow and quite soft). And if you pipe the mayonnaise onto the eggs, it looks really pretty too. Yum!

Prawn sandwich, serves 2

1 nice baguette or ciabatta


4 little gem leaves

3 boiled eggs (they way you like)

lots of mayonnaise

150-200 g peeled Icelandic prawns

red onions, cut in half and sliced


Cut the bread in half and spread on some butter. Place the rinsed and dried lettuce on top. Peel and slice the eggs and divide them between the two sandwiches, pipe lots of mayonnaise on top. Scatter the prawns on top. Sprinkle on some red onions and decorate with lemon.

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